| Kim Soo Chul
President Director
With new changes for human, health and environment,
we innovate our data center.
DAELIM TRADING has grown as a comprehensive architecture and an interior material supplier that represents Korea creating enhanced bathroom culture as well as kitchen culture including flatware and utensils based on continuous product developments and business management innovation since the founding in 1970.
We have built our new data center by examining multilaterally elegant designs and convenient use as well as focusing on water quality, hygiene and cleanness based on the philosophy of ‘human-centered’, that the responsibility and true development for producing the most relevant products to human lives should be centered with not only technologies but also values of human and living for over 40 years. As a result, we have been named as one of the excellent quality-competitive companies consecutively over a decade and are now listed in the Honor Society.
Thank you very much for your love and encouragement and we’ll move forward from Korean first class to World first class.